Week 6 Stretch | Tampa's Alison Dillon
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4XjVcOpEzRV003pVI4N79I?si=NxljboZ3Qi-IKQ0JQ8lhgw
Monday 4/27 | Mega-Mat Total Body | OC's Paige Johnson
Monday 4/27 | 10-Min Core Express Add-on | Tampa's Alison Dillon
Equipment: Sliders, Weight
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7A3easlHE8EMugCcOK5huZ?si=EbjaDOBgQSC2E_rxQ3ly4w
Monday 4/27 | Mega-Mat Ass & Abs | Sarasota's Kalesta Gonzalez
Equipment: Sliders or towels, and weights, (bands optional)
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0t7KNjnxlKhXWwQr3MTpAl?si=0zf-fZ_PQMGm9P2wJ6dEeA
Tuesday 4/28 | Mega-Mat Total Body | Tampa's Alison Dillon
Equipment: Sliders, Bands, Weights
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7HtZ4WvVuvIZDnrafRz2Mx?si=_8aJlPe8RxGAFgnncZxD6A
Tuesday 4/28 | Mega-Mat Arms & Abs | OC's Paige Johnson
Wednesday 4/29 | Mega-Mat Total Body | Tampa's Allie McClure
Wednesday 4/29 | Mega-Mat Ass & Abs | Tampa's Alexandra Markopoulos
Wednesday 4/29 | 10-Min Core Express Add-on | Tampa's Alexandra Markopoulos
Thursday 4/30 | Mega-Mat Total Body | Tampa's Alison Dillon
Equipment: Sliders, Weights, Bands, Ball
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1QIOJecnHl2P71Q7ljwi4X?si=Kv_Z3_sbS5qZ0IRJqcqOCA
Thursday 4/30 | Mega-Mat Arms & Abs | Sarasota's Kalesta Gonzalez
Equipment: Sliders or towels, weights, and bands
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0t7KNjnxlKhXWwQr3MTpAl?si=0zf-fZ_PQMGm9P2wJ6dEeA
Friday 5/1 | Mega-Mat Total Body | Lagree Master Trainer Sharnee Scott
Friday 5/1 | 10-Min Upper Body Express | OC's Paige Johnson
Friday 5/1 | Mega-Mat Ass & Abs | Tampa's Alexandra Markopoulos
Saturday 5/2 | Mega-Mat Total Body | OC's Paige Johnson
Saturday 5/2 | Mega-Mat Arms & Abs | Tampa'a Allie McClure
Equipment: Sliders, towels, weights, foam roller or ball
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/05VV3lxGXAcjIqNbPctZyh?si=ljx5IubaRZu_7AQAdpYf4Q
Sunday 5/3 | Mega-Mat Total Body | Tampa's Allie McClure
Equipment: Sliders, towels, weights
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/05VV3lxGXAcjIqNbPctZyh?si=ljx5IubaRZu_7AQAdpYf4Q
Sunday 5/3 | Mega-Mat Yoga | Sarasota's Rebekka Mars